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Holy man claims not to have eaten or drank water for 65 years

By arun prasath on Thursday, May 6, 2010 with 0 comments

How many days can you last without drinking water? 4 or 5 day’s maximum, but if this holy man is to be believed he is still surviving without food and water for about 65 years.

Prahlad Jani, an Indian from Gujarat claims he was blessed by goddess when he was 8 years old. He lives on spiritual life force.

If what Prahlad Jani claims is true it could be a breakthrough in medical science. Once the exact process is known it could help millions survive during natural calamities.

Currently Prahlad is being closely monitored by the Indian defence force. It has been more than a week now and there is no sign of thirst or hunger in fact there is no sign of physiology changes at all.

If what Jani claims is a hoax he may die within next 2 weeks his muscles will shrink and lead to serious dehydration and even organ failure.

According to G. Ilavazhagan, director of the Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences the methods used by Jani if found to be true can help in future mission to mars.

The scientists are trying to find the energy source that is keeping Jani alive. Jani claim he gets the energy by meditating.

Jani is monitored 24x7 with video camera in his room and a mobile camera that follows Jani when he moves outside.

Video : Holy Man Under Medical Inspection

Category: Hot News , Human Body , India , Medicine , Mystery , Science



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